Chicks, Week Two
I think my girls have probably doubled in size this past week. They’re starting to, quite literally, stretch their wings, and even hop/fly up to perch on the side of their box. This probably means they need a bigger box.
Starting next week, if the weather stays as warm as it has been, I’ll be able to take them outside to their coop for a few hours at a time. I’m sure they’ll have fun exploring the big henhouse and scratching in the grass of their enclosed run, even though they can’t yet be allowed to roam freely in the yard. They are still little babies. Just not quite so little as they used to be.
May 9th, 2012 at 5:27 pm
Their teenage weeks (coming up) are so awkward. You might remember my photos of our little Skeksis last spring. They grow up so fast. 🙂 Good thing children don’t grow *quite* as fast.
May 10th, 2012 at 5:24 pm
Skeksis! Hah!