
It’s summer! And lots of stuff has been happening!

Robin “graduated” from kindergarten:


And spent a week at horse camp:


And has since perfected the art of louche summer decadence:


Davy had a birthday! (It was a Minecraft party.)


And Sol has sprung up like a weed. We call him “Wreckin’ Ball Sol” because he basically spends his days destroying the house to the full extent of his abilities. His favorite activity is to climb up on the dining room table and throw anything he finds there (plates, etc) onto the floor. If there’s no crockery to smash, he’ll go into the bathroom and try pulling all the toilet paper down. Or throwing anything he can reach in other rooms into the tub. Another favorite activity is to pull everyone’s clothes out of their dresser drawers, or to toss handfuls of kibble from the dog’s food bowl about the kitchen.

Wreckin’ Ball Sol:


We still have some excellent summer fun planned, including a trip to Carson City to see Pappy and Nonna; a weekend at a beach house with Nanita and Markie; a week of swim lessons for Robin and Davy; and a couple of projects that probably deserve their own posts.

Hope you all are enjoying the summertime! I’d better go before Sol uproots all the houseplants and swallows all the Legos.

2 Responses to “Summmmmer!”

  • Dom Says:

    Love the photos!

    • Shannon Phillips Says:

      Thank you! With the one of Robin in his seersucker suit, he’s wearing a piece of celery on his lapel because I was trying to convince him that he could cosplay the fifth Doctor!

      It turns out celery wilts really quickly. 🙁

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