One Baby Band: Drums

I took all these videos on the same day, which is why Robin is wearing the same clothes in all of them. It’s not that he goes a week without changing his pants. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

3 Responses to “One Baby Band: Drums”

  • sarah cochran Says:

    Hey Shannon: (Lots of love, Aunt Sarah

    Very very cool. Your dad recently told me how to find your blog, and I have been reading it. I have not got very far, but I think it is very interesting. And I love all the pictures.

    When I was in Fayetteville in February, I saw the one of Robin in the turquoise sweater with Sam. I insisted to Bob that Robin looks very similar to how he looked at that age. He kind of pooh-poohed that, but when he got his baby picture out of the den, at my strong suggestion, it was even more obvious.

    He still pooh-poohs it, but I think it is true.

    Robin is very beautiful, and I hear that he is a model! I guess that’s what being in California is about.
    You are getting close to Robin’s first birthday – that is such a great milestone for parents more than for the baby, I think. You all should celebrate surviving the first year, because I think it is the hardest, right along with 13-14. So much to learn!

  • shannon Says:

    Hey Aunt Sarah! Great to hear from you! My dad actually told us what you said–I think he was very pleased by it. And he showed us the pictures too and I can see the resemblance!

  • sarah Says:

    Dear Shannon: Sorry, this isn’t really a comment, but could you send me your email so I can give it to Reuben – he’s coming that way sometime in the summer and wants to contact you about it.

    All is well here – I understand that you are creating another Cochran/Phillips. Good job!!

    Hope to see you and yours sometime soon.

    Aunt Sarah

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