Bad Day

Okay, today has been horrible. I don’t know how much sleep I got last night but it wasn’t much, and then Robin exhausted my reserves early by whining and whining and whining and then for a change SCREAMING and SCREAMING and SCREAMING. Eventually he wore himself down too and fell into a nap, at which point I thought to myself, Oh thank God, I’ll get to sleep for a bit.

That was exactly the point that Davy woke up. Okay, I thought, I’ll nurse him and put him back down and we’ll all sleep for a bit.

I nursed him. I put him back down. He cried. I nursed him again on the other side and put him back down. He woke up and cried. I burped him and cuddled him. He squirmed and fussed. I was so tired I started to fall asleep in the thirty-second intervals between his cries. I had little thirty-second dreams. They always ended with waking up to a fussy baby.

An hour and a half later, Robin woke up and I had a bit of a meltdown that ended with me scaring Sam badly enough over the phone that he offered to come home right away. I didn’t take him up on it; instead I am pouring out my woes to the Internet while Robin crawls around under my chair whining “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy” and Davy lies on the bed still fussing.

Right now I think the fact that I haven’t slapped duct tape over both their mouths and thrown them in the closet makes me the World’s Best Mom, but there’s still hours left in the day, so nobody should go out and buy me the mug just yet.

6 Responses to “Bad Day”

  • Eyeteeth Says:

    Kids are so hard sometimes. I hope tomorrow will be better. In the meantime, please accept my thanks for raising two of the people who will be in charge of the world when I’m old and frail. Given the great job you’re doing so far, I feel confident that I’ll be in good hands!

  • Dom Says:

    Ugh – what a nightmare! :-/

    Still, thanks to timezone differences you have hopefully got some sleep by the time I’m writing this. Congratulations on surviving!

  • Dawn Says:

    You poor thing. 🙁

    I guess this horrible day will be over by the time I’ve written this; so I hope you finally managed some sleep.

  • Jennifer Says:

    Every mother that doesn’t slap duct tape over their kids mouths and throw them in a closet is a hero. Yes, that makes a lot of us heroes, who cares. Days like that are freaking *hard*. I hope you know that your meltdown was completely normal, appropriate and healthy and that we all do that sometimes!

  • Madeline Says:

    I can *SO* relate to this. Glad to hear today was better. Lots of love to you!

  • emily Says:

    theres medication for days like these, WHO TAKES IT IS YOUR DECISION.

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