What’s for Dinner

This week in our box we got: Nantes carrots, dinosaur kale, collard greens, two heads of lettuce (one butter, one red leaf), two leeks, a butternut squash (nooooooo), twelve kiwis, and two pounds of those beautiful red fingerling potatoes.

Tonight we’ll have baked potatoes and a salad (probably using the butter lettuce). Tomorrow, I’ll use the red potatoes, the leeks, and both the kale and the collards in another big pot of caldo verde (that recipe is really good). Tomorrow we’re also going in for the ultrasound, by the way, so I might have something exciting to post after that.

Friday night I’ll tackle the squash: I think I’ll try this recipe for Bulgur and Squash Kefteh from the New York Times. Sam won’t be thrilled, but there will probably be leftover soup that he can have instead if he wants.

Saturday is my day out with friends, and cook’s night off; Sunday is Valentine’s Day, so I’m going to make a shepherd’s pie at Sam’s request (it’ll be a potato-heavy week), and probably something chocolate for dessert.

I’ve got some anchovies in the fridge that I want to use up, so Monday I’ll make pissaladière, a kind of anchovy and garlic pizza. I know you’ll all want to come over and kiss us afterwards! If the other head of lettuce holds out till Monday, we’ll have a salad on the side too. And then Tuesday we’ll eat leftovers.

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