My Boy

I think Robin’s had a growth spurt recently. I’m constantly stunned by how much more mature his face looks. I feel like I can see what the seven- or eight-year-old Robin will look like now.

And the baby in his face has disappeared. I was afraid I would miss that tiny baby when he was gone, but now that I’m here, I really don’t. It seems like Robin is more himself with every month. He’s joining us more fully in the world. It doesn’t feel like a loss. My friend Madeline once said something like, “babies are nice, but I like little kids even better,” and I think I agree.

Of course I can say this because Robin is still small enough to climb in my lap and curl up under my chin, or fling his chubby arms around my neck and sack out on my shoulder. I’m pretty sure I’ll miss that when a monosyllabic teenager has taken his place.

3 Responses to “My Boy”

  • Pei Says:

    Don’t worry, Robin will be still close to you when he is at least seven or eight. I can say that because of my big boy Jonathan. But teenages… we will have to wait and see.

  • shannon Says:

    That’s good to hear, thank you 🙂

  • Madeline Says:

    Charlotte is also getting to this same stage. It’s a little bit harder this time around to let go of babyhood, since we don’t plan to have any more kids, but I still do find that parenting a young child is much more rewarding and fun. I can’t even IMAGINE what it will be like to be the mother of two teenage girls someday, though…

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