Super Cute
Brought to my attention via my friend Zach: “Review of My Toddler’s Pretend Restaurant”
Here’s an example of a typical ordering experience:
Lily: Order something, please.
Mom: OK, do you have coffee?
Lily: No. No coffee at the Cafe Restaurant. Only water and tea.
Mom: OK, tea please.
Lily: No tea. Only water.
Mom: OK, water.
Lily: Do you want coffee?
Mom: Well … actually, yes.
Lily (Handing me a toy tomato) Here.
Really the best part is the “Cleanliness” section of the review, but I’m not going to spoil it for you. Go read! It’s funny and very sweet.
November 24th, 2008 at 9:16 am
my favorite part was:
It’s not cheap. Currently she says everything costs “20 miles.” But no worries. Sometimes she dips into her little cash register and pays YOU instead of taking payment.
November 24th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
No Coke, Pepsi. No fries, chips!
This is adorable.