I Knew This Would Happen

After the first week of preschool…everyone in our family is sick. Except for Sam, he’s apparently got a more robust immune system. Probably from riding public transit.

*hack* *cough*

Meanwhile Robin doesn’t yet understand the concept of “weekend,” and is a bit anxious about when he’ll get to go back to school. Today he actually tried to assemble his lunch and get his backpack together. Hopefully we’ll be over our colds by Tuesday…

6 Responses to “I Knew This Would Happen”

  • Jessie Says:

    Meanwhile Robin doesn’t yet understand the concept of “weekend,” and is a bit anxious about when he’ll get to go back to school.

    Wow, I hope he can keep that feeling in the years that follow…

  • Nina Says:

    Oh god yes. The first six months Silas was in daycare were pure germ warfare. It will pass, and won’t be as bad when Davy goes…

    Feel better!

  • Maike Says:

    Poor you guys 🙁

    Hopefully you have two easy-going sick kids & all get better soon.

    We also had a very rough first year of daycare with our Robin but he literally hasn’t been sick since (other then that #@$#@$ h1n1 two years ago). His younger brother hasn’t been sick much in general.

    That said, my definition of sick has gotten pretty warped. For my limited vacation days life, sick basically means ‘obviously unhappy’ or ‘fever that ibuprofin doesn’t get rid of’. I think this is pretty standard in the full-time daycare world. And yes, I thought it was horrific initially but then ran out of sick days after three months of daycare and well, um, joined 🙂

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