Happy Spring!
I hope everyone who celebrated Easter yesterday had an excellent holiday; that those who are observing Passover are in the midst of similar excellence; and that those who are merely in a mood to celebrate spring weather are managing to endure the grey and wet with patience.
We hosted Pappy and Nonna over the weekend, which was delightful as always, especially for the kids. We dyed eggs:
and Robin had a great time hunting them in the backyard:
while Davy cheered from the warmth of his Pappy’s lap:
Then we had Easter dinner! At the store I got the very last leg of local lamb, and we roasted it along with snap peas and carrots from our veggie box, and a strawberry pie for dessert. The strawberries were from our veggie box too, and even the herbs were snipped from our front yard (we planted two rosemary shrubs flanking the front steps a few weeks ago). I didn’t take a picture of the food, but I did snap a photo of the flower arrangement, of which I am unreasonably proud:
I dunno, it just came out in a particularly satisfactory fashion somehow. Lilacs, pink-shaded calla lillies, and pussy willows. Even though it’s drippy and chill outside, having pretty flowers makes me happy about Spring.