Due Date

Still pregnant dear God how is this even possible

I’ve been having intermittent Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past few days, which are doing a number on me psychologically, since I am so ready to be done with pregnancy that I get excited (and then crushingly disappointed) with each fresh onset of false labor. I have backache, foot and leg pain, various and diverse discomforts in the belly and pelvis, and any kind of movement I make—standing up, lying down, holding still in one position for too long—seems to hurt some part of my body. In fact I’m so much more physically uncomfortable than I was at this stage with Robin that I’m wondering if the extra three years in age has made some kind of crucial difference: am I old now? Is that it?

It helped a little that I went to the doctor today, and while they were monitoring Davy (everything’s fine) I happened to overhear a couple of other women who were in the antenatal testing unit for problems much more serious than my own velamentous placenta. It really is a reminder that I should be grateful for my good health. And I am, truly. But I would like to have my baby soon. In fact now would be great.

Some part of my brain is convinced that Davy is waiting until the 4th of July, so that he can be greeted with fireworks. I guess that would be kind of cool, huh?

One Response to “Due Date”

  • Nina Says:

    I was thinking of you today… actually, over our anniversary dinner, I said to Bizzy “if Shannon’s still pregnant when we get back from our vacation she’s gonna be really peeved.”

    We probably won’t be back until about 6pm EST tomorrow so, you never know!

    And about the discomfort — I don’t think it’s that you’re old — I’m just told that different pregnancies are really, really different. Like, just because I had no morning sickness with Silas doesn’t mean that I won’t have any if we go again. So I imagine it’s true for other afflictions. Sorry you are having such a rough time of it. You also didn’t have a 3 year old to chase after last time, and that can’t be helping…

    Love to all.

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